Crossroads KBH is an open Christian community for university students across Copenhagen. Our mission is to empower students to discover life & faith in a purposeful way. To do this, we offer weekly meetings at CBS and DTU where students can come together to explore Christianity. We also offer community for students from every university through our bi-weekly Friday Dinners.
Crossroads KBH is affiliated with:
Students for Christ Europe http://www.sfceurope.org/
Meet The Team
Originally from Romania, Daniela received her Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language & Literature from University of Granada Spain. In 2016, she moved to Copenhagen because of her passion of empowering university students in their life journey.
Born in Jylland, Ruth moved to Copenhagen in 2001. She received an AP in Product Development from KEA and is currently pursuing a Bachelor's in Innovation & Entrepreneurship at CPH Business. Ruth is passionate to see university students live purposeful lives.
Growing up both in the States & in Europe, Michelle received her BFA in Art Education from the University of MN Duluth. After getting her degree, she spent the next six years doing student ministry at her alma mater. Michelle is passionate to inspire growth in university students' lives.